Peter Parkinson Appointed as General Manager of the Bridgewater Canal
Louise Morrissey, Director of Land and Planning at Peel Land & Property is pleased to announce the appointment of Peter Parkinson to the position of General Manager of the Bridgewater Canal.
Louise said, “Peter comes to the diverse position with commercial and property skills which will benefit the Canal greatly. Over the next few months Peter will be contacting and arranging to meet with various stakeholders, visiting locations along the canal and meeting with boaters, other Bridgewater Canal customers and local groups. We welcome Peter and wish him well in his new position.”
Peter says:“The Bridgewater Canal is an impressive, historically significant and culturally important asset within the North West and I am delighted to have the opportunity to play a part in shaping its future. My immediate priorities are to ensure continuity of service to our customers, to become familiar with the canal and acquainted with its stakeholders, and to identify potential areas for improvement for the benefit of the Canal and its users.”
To contact Peter or a member of the Bridgewater Canal Team please email Bridgewatercanal@peel.co.uk or call the office reception number on 0161 629 8200 between 2pm – 4pm Monday to Friday.
Any visits to the Bridgewater Canal offices at Peel Dome are strictly by appointment only. Throughout the year Peter will try to meet with everyone.
The emergency number is 0161 877 3628 (strictly for emergencies only)