Castlefield Elsan
We are pleased to confirm that repairs to the Castlefield elsan are now complete and it is open from today.
Unfortunately, the works carried out to repair the damaged pump have revealed that the issues with the elsan were caused by non-disposable wipes being emptied into it, despite signage indicating that this is not permitted.
To ensure that the elsan does not have to be closed for repair again, potentially indefinitely, we urge all boaters not to dispose of wipes or any other non-disposable items.
If these incidents continue, we cannot guarantee that the elsan can be repaired again. If this is the case, the Company would potentially have to close the elsan permanently and redirect boaters to the next closest elsan at Stretford Marina. For your benefit, we ask that the above rule is followed.
Anti-Social Behaviour
Further to our previous notice with regards to issues in Castlefield, we ask that if any boaters experience problems with anti-social behaviour in the Castlefield area, that the incident is reported to the Manchester City Council Anti-Social Behaviour Team in one of the following ways:
• E-mail details of the incident to asb.action.team@manchester.gov.uk
• Log the incident with GMP on their 101 system
• Use the “Live Chat” feature on the GMP website www.gmp.police.uk
We have discussed this with our security company who have agreed to patrol the area once a day. We also ask that the Company is made aware of any incidents so that they can be raised at the next Canal Watch meeting.
Kind regards
The Bridgewater Canal Company Limited